The holidays are a stressful, exciting time. Extra expenses, travel plans, guests, and gift-giving all put tremendous financial strain on the budget, and for some of us, seeing family can be as much a blessing as it is a burden. Mixed-faith couples face logistical...
We can think of families as a web of relationships—complex strands all bound together. When one member of the family is under stress or struggling with mental health, it’s like something is tugging on their strand, the effects of which can be felt by everyone else on...
It would be wonderful if the holidays were as perfect as they appear in every advertisement or hallmark movie, but for many of us, navigating this time of year brings a special brand of frustration. Stress comes at us from every angle. On top of working out schedules...
Has Your Porn Use Become an Addiction?—How to Tell With the advent of the internet and smartphones, we’ve all become subjects in a global social experiment. For the first time ever, extreme pornography is easily accessible for free to the majority of people....
What are Characteristics of A Highly Sensitive Person? What is a highly sensitive person, you may ask? As with many terms, this one comes loaded with connotations—not always easy to deal with. From a therapeutic perspective, however, a highly sensitive person has...
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