If you are experiencing increased stress over the course of the past few months, you are certainly not alone. Americans have reported record amounts of stress in 2020, as finances, social life, and family relationships are placed under increasing strain. Understanding...
Do you find yourself thinking about the way you think? Learn about 5 unique styles of thinking to further understand how your brain works below. We may not always be aware of it, but our brains have particular ways of working. There are five styles of thinking, and...
Healing from childhood trauma is challenging, but not impossible. Learn how Relucent Psychology Group is here to help you take the first steps. “I shouldn’t be struggling with this.” “It was a long time ago, and it shouldn’t affect me...
Does your child have difficulties focusing? Learn about the possible reasons why, along with how seeking professional counseling can help below. As a parent, you are naturally keenly invested in the growth and development of your child. We all want to see our...
ADHD stands for “attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.” It is a very commonly used term in our society, and we also know that it is a very common diagnosis. Often, individuals requesting ADHD evaluations notice difficulties with attention, concentration,...
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