We Offer Treatment for Porn Addiction in San Jose

When people need to masturbate, they may look at pictures from magazines, pornographic videos, or photos online. There is nothing wrong with looking at porn once in a while. However, like everything else in life, too much porn can negatively impact your life.

Porn addiction can be as dangerous as any other drug addiction. You are emotionally dependent on porn to the point where your relationships, job, and your ability to function change. Your loved ones can be neglected, and your job can be jeopardized if you never come into the office or are not focused on your work. But like all addictions, you can treat porn addiction too.

Here are the signs, symptoms, and options for the treatment of porn addiction.

You may think that looking at porn is just something to do and nothing to worry about. However, porn can be an addiction like anything else if you allow it to take over your life.

A porn habit becomes problematic if you are no longer satisfied with your sex life. You end up feeling less satisfied with your romantic partner if you are fixated on the pictures or videos you look at on repeat. You may even engage in risky behavior like watching porn at work or while at school.

Other signs of an unhealthy relationship with porn include:

  • Ignore other responsibilities for porn
  • Feel unable to stop looking at porn
  • Spending large sums of money on it
  • Using porn to cope with mental health issues

Causes of Porn Addiction

There are a number of reasons why someone could develop a porn addiction. You could be under psychological distress and feel like porn is the only way to feel a release. Porn can also be an outlet for sexual dissatisfaction. Just like when someone has an affair to avoid confrontation, you could feel like there is no reason to talk to your partner if you can use porn to feel sexual satisfaction.

Addiction is also genetic and biological. Maybe you have a relative going through the same addiction or a different kind. If you watch porn an excessive amount, this can change your brain chemistry and increase the risk of addiction.

Treatment for Porn Addiction

There may not be specific treatment modes for porn addiction, but there are still plenty of methods that can help you. For example, you can incorporate lifestyle changes so that you spend less time on your computer, like going for walks or meeting up with friends.

You and your partner can also look into couples counseling to see how porn has a place in your relationship. You will be able to hear your partner out about how your porn addiction affected them, and they will see how you feel when you watch porn.

When to See a Therapist for the Treatment of Porn Addiction?

A therapist is a great person to go to in order to get your life back on track. You and your partner can be given work to do at home to strengthen your relationship.

You should also go to therapy if you do not know how to stop your porn addiction. Your therapist will inspire you to get better by making a personalized treatment plan for you.

You will no longer have to feel guilty about not being able to stop your addiction, as addiction is tough on a lot of people. But, there is always hope for improvement. By taking control of your porn addiction, you have the opportunity to fix your relationships, your job, and your life. Reach out to us today to learn more about how sex addiction therapy could help you.

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