Helping your Child Develop Resilient Coping Skills
Life is full of challenges, but as a parent, one of the greatest gifts you can give your child is the coping skills needed to overcome those challenges. Resilient coping skills allow your children to recover from setbacks, manage stress, and thrive under difficult circumstances.
Understanding Trauma Bonding
Trauma bonding occurs when a victim of abuse develops a deep emotional attachment to their abuser. This connection often underlies many toxic relationships, making it extremely hard to break free from, especially in long-term relationships.
How Does Depression Affect Executive Function?
Many believe that depression is defined by persistent sadness or low mood, but its effects can extend far beyond emotions.One of the most significant yet lesser-known impacts of depression is on executive function – our brain’s ability to plan, organize, and solve problems effectively.
Coping with the Winter Blues
As the days grow shorter and colder, many people are starting to experience the “winter blues,” a term used to describe feelings of sadness, lethargy, and low motivation during the winter season.
How to Build Coping Skills for Trauma Triggers
Trauma triggers are unexpected reminders of past traumatic experiences that can evoke intense emotional and physical reactions. These triggers can arise from various sources—sights, sounds, smells, or even specific feelings—making them difficult to anticipate.
What is the Proper Amount of Discipline for my Teen?
Teens are in a sensitive spot, navigating their need for independence while still relying on their parents for guidance; they’re walking the tightrope of healthy growth, and it’s important that as parents, you help them balance along that path.
Self-Esteem: Learning to Love Yourself
What exactly is self-esteem? It’s a word you’ve heard before, and for good reason – it’s the foundation of our mental and emotional well-being.
Enforcing Boundaries: Knowing When and Where to Draw the Line
Do you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions? Like everyone wants a piece of you, and you just can’t say no? You’ve probably heard the phrase “set boundaries,” but what does that really mean?
How Social Media Influence Can Impact Adolescent Mental Health
Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with many individuals, including children and adolescents, turning to these platforms for entertainment, news, and social connections. Despite age restrictions, nearly 40% of children aged 8-12 are active on social media.
Betrayal Trauma: How to Heal and Move On
Betrayal trauma occurs when someone you depend on for safety and care causes harm instead. This concept, rooted in betrayal trauma theory, suggests that victims may “forget” traumatic experiences to survive, especially in childhood.